
What's New

Sample of toy from gently used toy library for toy giveaway.

Toy Giveaway Friday July 26, 2024, 10am to 2pm

Families, EI providers, teachers... want some new-to-you toys for home, EI sharing with families or classroom?

Illinois DeafBlind Project is preparing to move to a new building, and we are having a Free Toy Giveaway of gently used items from our toy library on Friday, July 26 from 10am to 2pm! Join us on the front lawn of Philip J. Rock Center and School, 818 DuPage Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL to get free books, toys, and other items. Many are designed with special needs in mind!

Let us know if you are interested by emailing Michelle Clyne or through Facebook events to see if we have something you are looking for! Facebook events

ILDBP celebrates DeafBlind Awareness Week!
Thank you to the families and professionals that came to our Yarn Bombing event on Saturday, 6/22/2024, to learn from and connect with one another. We are one tight-knit community!
Group of five Yarn Bombing event attendees holding the garland they created. Group photo of attendees and staff at the 6/22/2024 Yarn Bombing event.  Three Yarn Bombing attendees standing in front of a tree where there yarn garland is displayed.

Professional Development Series for Educators & Related Service Providers


Concentration in Deafblindness & High Intensity Support Needs

Interested in high quality coursework this Summer or next school year? Join us for virtual coursework with Utah State University!

Professional development series upcoming training events focus for fall and spring

Cost: $450 per 3-credit course 

Honorariums reimburse $400.

FALL 2024 An Introduction to Deafblindness and Assessment and Instructional Planning are offered.

Each course includes:

  • Three hours of online work every week.
  • Synchronous online meetings throughout the semester.

 Course Descriptions

Course 1:

An Introduction to Deafblindness

Instructor: Brandy Sebera This first course will provide foundational knowledge of deafblindness and the impact of hearing and vision loss on learning and communication, as well as key evidence-based instructional strategies for supporting those with deafblindness. This course includes content from the following NCDB Open Hands, Open Access Modules: Overview of Deafblindness, The Sensory System, the Brain and Learning, Building Trusted Relationships, Touch for Connection and Learning, Maximizing Vision and Hearing, The Role of the Intervener and Intervener Strategies.

Course 3:

Deafblindness: Assessment and Instructional Planning

Instructor: Julie Maier The course includes an overview of assessment strategies, assessment instruments, and the development of specific and measurable IEP goals based on authentic assessment data. In addition, the course includes content from the following NCDB Open Hands, Open Access Modules: Availability for Learning, Routines for Participation and Learning, Behavior and Environmental Supports, and Introduction to Orientation and Mobility.

While these courses are not required to be completed sequentially, it will be beneficial to have foundational knowledge in the content areas included in course 1 to enrolling in course 3. Courses will be held on a rotating basis from semester to semester.

Illinois educators can also apply for an honorarium that will reimburse most of the registration costs after successful completion of coursework.

Apply here for the Fall honorarium.

View the full Fall flyer here.

Introducing the Illinois DeafBlind Project (ILDBP)!

Project Reach, Illinois DeafBlind Services is now Illinois DeafBlind Project (ILDBP). Take a peak at our logo transition in the video below.



Save the Date!

Annual Illinois Family Leaders Collaborative Conference.

Improving Mental Health & Behavioral Supports For Students Today
Keynote: Elizabeth Frisbie

Image of logos of organizations involved in Family Leaders Conference.

Saturday, April 20, 2024
9:00 A. M. – 3:00 p.m.
Spalding Pastoral Center
Peoria, IL


More information and registration link coming soon.

View the full conference flyer here.

Illinois Families Together Upcoming Events!

Please email Faith Rosenshein Young for more information on upcoming Illinois Families Together events.

Fall 2022!

ILDBP's 10/1/2022 Bushels of Fun event provided an opportunity for families to connect with other families of children with combined vision/hearing loss. Families learned some ASL signs with a DeafBlind mentor, enjoyed seasonal treats, a straw maze, a farm petting zoo, crafts, and fall photo fun, plus they had plenty of opportunities to practice new ASL signs with friends!

Moving Forward

Beginning May 1, 2020 the Illinois DeafBlind Project (ILDBP) will be posting Illinois specific information below. Previously posted information regarding initial COVID 19 posts, posts from March 2020 and from April 2020 have been archived and can be accessed by clicking these links: COVID 19 link, March 2020 link, April 2020 link. More resources regarding distance learning for students who are DeafBlind can be found at the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) Distance Learning for Proficient Communicators page. There is a special section of resources for families related to COVID 19 in the NCDB Key Topics for Families page.

Illinois specific information is below for SCHOOL PERSONNEL and FAMILIES:



Support for Food for Children: Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) SNAP Benefits

Please take us up on our invitation to call 630-790-2474 or email Michelle Clyne.