
Together for Independence

The Philip J. Rock Center and School is more than a facility; it is an extended family to parents and their children who live with both hearing and vision disabilities. Our devoted staff accompany the kids throughout the day, constantly working toward the goal of helping each student live as independently as possible according to their personal abilities. The shared vision of "Together for Independence" makes this a reality.

Referral Process


The Philip J. Rock Center and School is the only publicly funded Residential School for students who are Deaf-Blind in the country. We service students from the age of three through their twenty-second birthday year. 

Elementary High School Transition

Upcoming Events

Required Notices
December 2024 Update: The Walls to the First Floor Are Going Up
December 2024 Update: The Walls to the First Floor Are Going Up
This is going to be the best year ever...
November 2024 Building Update: Beam Signing
November 2024 Building Update: Beam Signing
November 2024 Update: These inspirational messages will support our structure for decades to come
We're hiring! Join The Rock!
We're Hiring! Come join The Rock!
Check out the available job opportunities at The Rock.
The Rock Construction Updates 

This has been a very busy year for The Rock! Construction is still on time, we're still moving forward, and everything's progressing as planned.

We're seeing walls come up on the south side of the building. The north side is pretty much completed. Drain tiles are in and the floor is being poured. By June or July next summer we should see a building that's pretty much complete on the outside. Then they'll bring electric into the building in July or August, and if all goes well we'll be moving in next fall.

The kids are really excited to see the construction. They check out the window everyday. It has been really exciting for the students and also really exciting for the staff. With this continued progress, we'll be able to give the kids what they deserve.

PRC new facility design development rendering by LCM
Stay Connected! Get the PRC Mobile App

Philip J Rock Center and School's "PRC ToGo" mobile app for your smartphone or tablet is the fastest and easiest way for you to access the latest PRC information on the go, any time!

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Executive Director's message Bonnie Jordan
It has been a wonderful start to the school year at PRC!

The transition (18-22) students have been busy in the community, going on 2-3 community trips a week to locations such as grocery stores, bowling, the Glen Ellyn post office, the mall, and parks. The elementary/middle school students have not been left behind either and have enjoyed trips to the Glen Ellyn library, Walmart, parks, and Dunkin' Donuts. On top of that, we've gone on all-school adventures to Windy Acres, Cosley Zoo, the Morton Arboretum, and the Adaptive Recreation Adventure Day at St. James Farm.

Students have settled into their school routines and have been doing amazing work in the classrooms and with related services. Each week, students receive individualized services including Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, Hearing, Vision, and Speech/Language. As the weather turns colder, we are looking forward to wintry activities. Students progress toward independence each day while they work with our teachers, classroom staff, and related services!

The staff at the Rock follow 3 rules:
  1. Work hard and have fun doing it!
  2. We do what is right for kids.
  3. We support our teammates.
Wishing you all a fall filled with fun and love,
Bonnie Jordan signature