Philip J Rock Center and School's "PRC ToGo" mobile app for your smartphone or tablet is the fastest and easiest way for you to access the latest PRC information on the go, any time!
PRC ToGo is free for everyone - community members, general public, media, administrators, staff, parents, guardians and students. PRC ToGo puts the latest PRC info all in one place, right at your fingertips!
Need quick access to upcoming PRC events or the school year calendar? How about easily reviewing past, current and upcoming meal menus? Or easy access to staff email links and phone numbers? PRC info and alerts can also be sent directly to your device via push notifications. All these and more are available from our mobile app.
Download and install the app for your device
PRC ToGo is available for iPhone and iPad in the Apple App Store and for Android in the Google Play Store. Click the link for your device, or scan the QR code to download.
App Home Screen
The PRC ToGo mobile app home screen contains quick links to PRC content that is updated on a regular basis, keeping you in the loop on current PRC information.

PRC ToGo home screen image; Menu button: Quickly access more information through the menu button. Events button: PRC schoolwide events calendar: Easily add events to your device calendar by selecting the event, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on Add to calendar. Contact Us button: Contact form for PRC and the Illinois DeafBlind Project (ILDBP), plus map location and contact info. Executive Director's Message button: Read the latest message from the PRC Executive Director. Staff Directory button: PRC staff directory with email links and phone numbers. Classrooms button: Quickly access your child's teacher's classroom page and contact info. School Year Calendar button: View the PRC school year calendar for holiday and school closings.
Sidebar Navigation Menu
Additional links to more static information can be accessed through the menu button in the upper left corner of the home screen. The sidebar navigation menu provides quick access to important information on the PRC website, as well as PRC's social media presence. Use the sidebar navigation menu to quickly access current, upcoming and archived meal menus, the PRC Family Handbook, Wellness Policy, steps on how a referral is made or donate to the Philip J. Rock Center Foundation.

Sidebar navigation menu image; right arrow: Click the arrow key in the upper right corner of the sidebar navigation menu to return to the home screen. Navigation menu links: Home, Meal Menus, News, Family Handbook, How is a Referral Made?, Wellness Policy, Donate to PJRC Foundation, Facebook App, YouTube, Twitter, Notifications Center. Push notifications sent to the app will be available in the Notifications Center for 30 days.